History Of Hacking Starts in 1960........
It is these hackers who made the first PC...& also the games
& various other things...
I am telling u all about the following three hackers:-

1.Steve Wozniak(Apple Inc. Co-Founder)..

2.John Drapes(Known as Captain Crunch)...A Phone Phreak...

3.Kevin Mitnick..(called as child of hacking)....

The first pc which was actually built was ALTAIR 8800 Kit...bulit
by Homebrew Club...
This is club of hackers....
After this Steve Wozniak Worked on Blue Box(developed by John Drapes
through which u can get raw level access to the telecommunication
company at that time..) and after that start working on an idea for
making a computer which he could use for himself and which includes
the features he want to be in it.......
Then he developed Apple-1(actual first PC u can say).....and he got
a very good amount of
offfer for providing them to the general peoples...when it is asked
from the people why they
want PC..they just give the excuses like for making a recipy list...
for storing phone numbers...

John Drapes was the ultimate hacker.....he developed blue box..
through which u can get access
to any telephone number...he is called as phone phreak..

Kevin Mitnick is also a great hacker...he hacked the operating system
code of DEC(Digital Equipment Co.)......also he hacked account of a
very rich person who is working in a giant
telecommunication company...he is being arrested by FBI.....when judge
ask from him
why u have have done bribe...then he said in my case i have not done
any bribe bcz i have
just copy the contents....i have not given that person any warning...
not call for any extortion money....and i have not broken any window.....
i have just copied the contents and doing copy
is not a crime in the world of hacking.....