Author KeithUnderdahl
Published 2007
Pages 240
ISBN 978-0-470-10967-0

Description :

Mac users have always beena loyal group, and for good reasons. Since Apple first startedproducing Macintosh computers in the 1980s, they’ve placed an emphasison quality, ease-of-use, and stability. Modern Macs running the latestOS X operating system are among the most powerful and dependablepersonal computers you can buy, and they’re versatile enough to meetvirtually any personal or professional need you may have.

Macs are user friendly, but they’restill computers, so you must followcertain steps to complete tasks, like setting up an e-mail account,accessing a Wi-Fi hotspot, transferring music to an iPod, customizingthe OS X interface, creating a network, and almost any other computertask you can imagine. This book provides the steps you need to getrunning quickly, without having to pour through extra narratives orexamples that you probably don’t need anyway. And because a picture isworth a thousand words, all the steps in this book are accompanied byfigures that walk you visually through each task.