A practical process for turninghuman resources into a crucial component of success — from an HRprofessional who really did it
"Foreword by Dave Ulrich
""It is easier to conceptualize, conceive, and write about utopia thanto actually make it happen. Thirty years ago, when some of us chose togo into academics and live more in the world of ideas, RalphChristensen chose to go into the world of practice. To be honest, hewas then and is now one of the best ‘thinkers’ in the profession — andhe has shown repeatedly that he can turn ideas into action.""
– Dave Ulrich, from the Foreword
For decades now, human resources professionals have sounded thedrumbeat of change: HR must transform itself from an administrativefunction into a strategic business partner. But it has been said sooften, for so long, and with so little concrete, real-life informationon how to actually achieve this new mission, that the message oftensounds like a wouldn’t-it-be-nice scenario.
But it isn’t. More and more traditional HR activities are being farmedout to service centers, external vendors, and line managers. The workof HR is changing, and more and more professionals realize that tosucceed in the future they must be part of the team that makesimportant business decisions.
Roadmap to Strategic HR is a sorely needed prescription for achievingstrategic focus in complex organizations. Drawn from the author’s morethan 25 years of experience and insights as an HR practitioner atHallmark and other companies, the book outlines a 10-step,results-oriented plan for making the transition. It helps you integratetop-quality tactical work with innovative internal systems — talentsystems, training systems, reward systems, or work processes — thatwill meet the strategic business demands of your organization.
Easy-to-read, thought-provoking, and packed with real-world examples ofwhat worked and what didn’t at Hallmark, Roadmap to Strategic HR helpsyou:
* Boil down the reams of research and concepts into a comprehensibleplan you can successfully implement.
* Understand the business realities that are driving change, includingemployees afraid for their jobs, and demanding and scarce customers.
* Compress the multitude of HR activities into five fundamentalprocesses: workforce planning and staffing, learning and development,organization development, performance management, and employeerelations.
* Examine each of the five processes through a powerful strategic lens.
* Resolve the tensions between HR specialists and HR generalists.
* Build a real partnership between the frontline managers and HR staff.
* Identify the competencies required of HR professionals who assume thecrucial role of “organizational architect.”
* Recognize the roadblocks and political landmines that might lurkalong the way.
The connection between people issues and business success isirrefutable. As the author so aptly puts it: “Talent is the enginebehind the creation of all value.” Roadmap to Strategic HR is the mostsuccinct, most practical book available for strengthening the linkbetween people and value — for building a department that drivesexcellence throughout the organization — and for honing yourdepartment’s focus so that it stays locked on the marketplace and thebusiness strategy."
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