
Australia Student Life

Posted in Uncategorized by anthony78 on the August 8, 2008

Student Life


Banking services in Australia are extremely competitive with over 20 local banking groups plus numerous international ones.


Australia offers a great transport network throughout the country. There are very efficient railway, bus and plane links which are cost effective and useful for backpackers and students, as well as roads that go on for miles with vast sections of open and scenic countryside stretching out before you.

Buses, Trains and ferries

Within the cities you will find excellent local bus, train and ferry networks, with user-friendly timetables to find the right number bus or what time your train departs and arrives depending on where you want to go. You can buy cheap weekly or monthly passes - please note that according to government regulations, international students are not eligible to apply for student travel concession cards. It is easy to get around and there are many offices where you can ask for timetables and how to get to different parts of the city. Australian people are very friendly and will usually help you if you look lost and don’t know where you are going. Phone 131500 for timetable information, or go to the website: www.131500.com.au


Taxis are frequent in cities - just look for a taxi that has its light on and flag it down by waving your hand. Taxis can be expensive however, so it is often worth while to ask the taxi driver approximately how much your journey will cost.


For many one of the priorities on arrival in Australia is finding a job, either part-time or full-time, depending on the type of visa you hold. For some of you this might be casual work, such as working in a café or restaurant as a waiter/waitress, for others you may have skills in an office and want to utilize these in Australia.

Tips for Finding Work

There are many ways of finding work when you come to Australia. Have a look at the various methods described below and good luck!


Look for the adverts under part-time, casual employment in the news papers. This is where you are likely to find the kind of work you are looking for whilst studying in Australia.

Recruitment Agencies:

This can be a great way to find work, especially if you come to Australia with previous office experience. You will need a resume and smart clothes for the interview.

Off the Street:

You can find a job yourself! Particularly if you are looking for work in the hospitality industry, sometimes the best way is the direct approach. Employers like to be able to see that you can sell yourself, and what better way to show this than to walk in directly off the street and ask for work. You can do this even if the restaurant is not advertising for positions - sometimes you will get lucky and the manager might be about to advertise, but if he/she likes the look of you they might even hire you immediately. Otherwise they might take your details and consider you when the next vacancy comes up. Don’t be afraid to approach managers - they often prefer to hire casual staff in this fashion because it saves them money and time advertising for the position.

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